10ks - one of those love em or hate em kinda races. I don't know yet which category I belong to but after a fairly successful Tour of Fife I'm PB hunting. It's a nice day but after a warm-up with Isobel I realise I forgot to take my inhaler. Panic panic..... I rush back to the car and hope and pray I have one in my bag but no, nothing there. Shit, no PB for me then. Logic dictates I don't actually need it, as I've already taken the other one in the morning, but logic has left the building so I already have my excuse in hand as we make our way to the start line.
I shuffle in beside some friends, set my watch and we're off. My new race tactic is go like the clappers and try and keep it up. So I do, overtaking lots of people on the first downhill. Even as we go up past Gordon's house I'm still overtaking and doing a good pace. The lovely hill down towards Inverkeithing approaches and by now the drizzle that started as the race did has turned into torrential rain and it's absolutely bouncing. It's funny and cooling and slows a lot of people down but not me, I go downhill as hard as possible knowing I'll struggle once we get to the uphill section towards the bridge.
I'm right, the uphill section towards the middle of the bridge drags on and on and every bugger and their dog overtakes me. Still, I notice at the 5k mark that I'm on target for <50mins and blast off again downhill towards Queensferry, overtaking all the buggers that passed me earlier. Ha!! I toy with getting a drink or not and decide that the few seconds stop will do me good. It has and down under the bridge we go and I realise that the downhill is where I'm making the most time. Again I pass the 2 guys and the Fife AC woman (we've been piggybacking all the way and now I'm ahead) but as we head up towards the middle of the bridge again I know I won't be ahead for long. 2k to go. I glance at my watch and we're about 38minutes in. I try and work out how long it takes to do 2k and it shouldn't really take me any longer than 10 minutes but I'm struggling up towards the bridge and decide to kick in on the final stretch down to the finish. One of the guys has passed me now as has the woman but I set my sights on another guy in front and soon pass him. I miss the 9k mark and assume the finish is further away that it actually is and save my sprint for later but then I realise the finish is only just ahead so I've gone and cocked that one up!! I do manage to pass someone else on the line but as usual I forget to stop my watch and when I look it says 50:12. Okay so it's a PB but is it a sub 50 PB?
I spend the rest of the day analysing what I could have done differently and I don't think anything really. I'm chuffed to find out that evening that my official time was 49:57. Phew, just under 50 but a PB by almost 2 minutes and on what I'm told is quite a challenging course (aren't they all?). Job done, now I really must turn my attention to marathon training.....
Friday, 14 August 2009
Turning 40 - An Alternative Party
My bit
I had this mad crazy idea to celebrate my 40th Birthday; not a party, not a fancy holiday, but a 40 mile run. My non-running friends thought I was insane. I had to agree. When I thought about it some more the sensible option was to run 20 miles and cycle 20 miles to cover the distance. Then I spoke to Fiona……………
And so at 8am on Saturday 31st January 2009 Fiona, Pauline, Sue, Gillian, Julie and I set off from Dalgety Bay into the unknown and made our way to Kincardine. The day started out as it would end, with much hilarity and entertainment, the first source of which was a chap doing a sustrans survey in Inverkeithing. The poor man wasn’t expecting the wrong answers to his questions “Are you coming back this way?” Yeah, via Kincardine. “Will you be out for more than half an hour?” Oh yes, most likely!!! “How far approximately will you be going today?” Oh about 40 miles. I’m sure he didn’t believe a word of it!!
We continued along the coast enjoying the scenery and were soon joined at Culross by my buddy Karen, who ran with us towards Grangemouth before turning back for home. The road to Grangemouth marked the first huge milestone – 20 miles. Given that Gillian had never covered more than 10 miles, and Julie and I no more than half marathon distance, this was remarkable. Our next achievement was the 40k mark followed shortly thereafter by the marathon distance. We celebrated with whoops of joy, and a stop for more photos.
Bo’ness to Blackness was fantastic, an opportunity to get off the tarmac. It felt like running on carpet with cosy slippers on by comparison. At Blackness I had a much-needed painkiller stop then onwards through Hopetoun estate where a ‘nice’ man with a gun informed us the grounds were closed. Oops!!
I don’t seem to remember 30 miles; I guess we were around Blackness at that point. I do remember 33 however, 7 miles to go or as Gillian said a Donkey Brae! Then it was a 10k, a Cupar 5 and finally towards the Forth Road Bridge a mere 5k!!! This was not the time for a PB tho…..
The final mile across the bridge was hard going but we weren’t walking any part of this despite the undulation. With half a mile to go we dug deep and picked up the pace to the finish. 40 miles…….we did it, we actually ran 40 miles!!!! Jubilation, whoops of excitement and photos followed but the journey wasn’t quite over. We still had to get to the Park & Ride where Ken was waiting to transport us back to Dalgety Bay but hey we had just run 40 miles, we could float the other 0.8!!!!!
I personally have to thank all of the wonderful ladies who ran with me. Rest assured I could not have done this alone! From Sue’s perfectly planned route plan, to Pauline & Fiona’s expertise and Julie & Gillian’s gutsy determination and to Karen for keeping us entertained with her sense of direction (how that girl’s getting round the WHW worries me). Huge thanks to Ken for driving us home, being a friendly face at various points along the route and providing much needed supplies. And final thanks to my hubby Glenn for providing bacon butties and champagne at the end. I’ve never had such a laugh, Julie on the phone to Pete telling him Ken was just filling her bladder was just about the end of me. We had an incredibly special day and I could not have shared it with better people. Well I could, they just weren’t available.
Fiona’s Bit
Yesterday was an amazing day watching four runners taking on a challenge into the unknown. With quiet tenacity and lots of blether and laughter, every step taken confidence grew and nobody was going to bail. It was a privilege to be part of this adventure and the final bridge crossing will be something I'll remember with pride. Thank you all for a special day.
Pauline’s Bit
A wee whilst ago Lesley had expressed a desire to celebrate her birthday by running 40 miles so at dawn on Saturday 31st January 2009 Fiona, Sue, Julie, Gillian and myself were at Lesley’s house setting off on an adventure with the pink sunrise at our backs as we headed west.
With military precision Sue had mapped out our route and by using a combination of coast paths, cycle ways, forest trails and footpaths we followed the direction of the classic Two Bridges race (the original road route would have been too dodgy and also a bit boring!)
Within ten minutes of starting we had baffled a chappy conducting a road usage survey, we left him scratching his head as to how to complete his tick boxes with our answers. We made it clear that we were not recreational joggers but athletes on a mission and when asked if we were “working girls” Julie put him right in that we were employed in respectable law-abiding activities.
We followed the tactic of “West Highland Way rules” ie if it goes up we walk plus a five minute walk every half hour which worked extremely well. We also stopped at Sue’s house at Limekilns for a “comfort break” which was wonderfully civilised for ultra running. It was not long before we reached Torryburn and heading into Culross we met Karen Donoghue (one of Lesley’s chums) who ran with us over the Kincardine Bridge and on for a good few miles before heading back to try and find her car which she had abandoned somewhere in Culross. From Kincardine we were running into a stiff headwind so employed the tactic of running in single file taking turns at being the poor sod in front acting as windbreak. We were also met by Ken at various intervals who offered glugs of coffee and drinks top ups. I was a bit suspicious of Lesley who appeared to be drinking cider and wasn’t sharing!
We ticked off the milestones at regular intervals, the first Bridge, halfway, 40K, marathon - Fiona and I were impressed - these girls were now in unknown territory and were making it all look very easy indeed! I particularly enjoyed the coast path section from Bo’ness to Hopetoun House (although we were politely advised that the grounds are closed until Good Friday!) Oops!
It was now dark and with the second Bridge and end in sight we continued to “tootle on” and closing on the 40 mile mark at the end of the Bridge there was a distinct bunching ready for a sprint finish with Lesley nudging ahead with arms raised and a “woooohoooooo” we made it. There were hugs, photos and phone calls to broadcast the news. However we were not quite finished, although we had reached 40 miles our finish line was the Park and Ride (where Ken was parked with the car!) we resumed our happy trot and on a cloud of adrenalin and sense of achievement we floated along to the car and officially declared our mission accomplished.
We headed back to Lesley’s house for bacon butties and bubbly – what a marvellous combination! Lesley presented us all with a party bag which contained a survivor’s tee shirt, a medal and other goodies. Glenn, Pete and Ken put up with our hilarious babbling as we were as hyper as bunch of five year olds on red smarties.
What a brilliant day out, what a buzz and what a way to celebrate your 40th birthday!
Gillian’s bit
I remember when Lesley first mentioned her mad idea a few months ago and I said yes I would love to take part - maybe I would even manage to do 10 miles......
Roll on to 31 January at 8am and I still didn't know if I would manage more than 10 miles!! But, with the help of our inspiration - Lesley, our experts - Fiona and Pauline, our organiser extraordinaire - Sue, my fellow rooky - Julie, Karen, a fresh face! and the very welcome support - Ken, we ALL did it.
It's certainly one of my biggest achievements - ever. Better start training then for those 50th birthdays - how long have we got?!
Sue’s bit
Highlights for me were:- the company which was great, the comfortable pace we covered the distance in, the laughs, correcting the survey man that we were recreational runners not joggers and that yes we were all working girls(!), running over Kincardine bridge for the first time, seeing lots of houses behind Skinflats when I thought there were only 2 farms, being industrial tourists around the central belt(!), Ken appearing to offer support, the lovely running between Bo’ness and Hopetoun, not getting shot by the Hopetoun gamekeeper, running just about our fastest mile as we ran over the Forth Road Bridge in the dark with Lesley forging ahead like she was a woman with a goal in mind(!!!), getting my first ever party bag, and once again the company. I had a ball.
Julie’s bit
My highlights - the cyclist and pedestrian survey - "Are you Working girls?". Lesley saying in Bo'ness that she felt like she was walking like John Wayne and me on closer observation noticed she actually was! Nearly being shot by the gamekeeper and really feeling I should keep quite as he may have licence to shoot the English. Having the best bacon and egg butty ever - thank you so much Glenn. Meeting Karen, good company and a welcome reunion pit stop. Thanks to Fiona and Pauline the most generous and kind spirited people I have ever met. Sue the most determined and organised friend you would want on any expedition. Reliable Ken - my bladder fill and cheesy cheddars another highlight. Gillian and Lesley - I want to thank you for taking me on this journey – love and thanks to you all XXX
Karen’s bit
I had a ball doing a section with you lot and I'll always laugh at how a group of women running together can chat about vibrators, orange squash and superdrug in the same sentence!!! I had no idea some of the other girls weren't mad ultra runners as well from the dark side, they did fantastic too!!
I had this mad crazy idea to celebrate my 40th Birthday; not a party, not a fancy holiday, but a 40 mile run. My non-running friends thought I was insane. I had to agree. When I thought about it some more the sensible option was to run 20 miles and cycle 20 miles to cover the distance. Then I spoke to Fiona……………
And so at 8am on Saturday 31st January 2009 Fiona, Pauline, Sue, Gillian, Julie and I set off from Dalgety Bay into the unknown and made our way to Kincardine. The day started out as it would end, with much hilarity and entertainment, the first source of which was a chap doing a sustrans survey in Inverkeithing. The poor man wasn’t expecting the wrong answers to his questions “Are you coming back this way?” Yeah, via Kincardine. “Will you be out for more than half an hour?” Oh yes, most likely!!! “How far approximately will you be going today?” Oh about 40 miles. I’m sure he didn’t believe a word of it!!
We continued along the coast enjoying the scenery and were soon joined at Culross by my buddy Karen, who ran with us towards Grangemouth before turning back for home. The road to Grangemouth marked the first huge milestone – 20 miles. Given that Gillian had never covered more than 10 miles, and Julie and I no more than half marathon distance, this was remarkable. Our next achievement was the 40k mark followed shortly thereafter by the marathon distance. We celebrated with whoops of joy, and a stop for more photos.
Bo’ness to Blackness was fantastic, an opportunity to get off the tarmac. It felt like running on carpet with cosy slippers on by comparison. At Blackness I had a much-needed painkiller stop then onwards through Hopetoun estate where a ‘nice’ man with a gun informed us the grounds were closed. Oops!!
I don’t seem to remember 30 miles; I guess we were around Blackness at that point. I do remember 33 however, 7 miles to go or as Gillian said a Donkey Brae! Then it was a 10k, a Cupar 5 and finally towards the Forth Road Bridge a mere 5k!!! This was not the time for a PB tho…..
The final mile across the bridge was hard going but we weren’t walking any part of this despite the undulation. With half a mile to go we dug deep and picked up the pace to the finish. 40 miles…….we did it, we actually ran 40 miles!!!! Jubilation, whoops of excitement and photos followed but the journey wasn’t quite over. We still had to get to the Park & Ride where Ken was waiting to transport us back to Dalgety Bay but hey we had just run 40 miles, we could float the other 0.8!!!!!
I personally have to thank all of the wonderful ladies who ran with me. Rest assured I could not have done this alone! From Sue’s perfectly planned route plan, to Pauline & Fiona’s expertise and Julie & Gillian’s gutsy determination and to Karen for keeping us entertained with her sense of direction (how that girl’s getting round the WHW worries me). Huge thanks to Ken for driving us home, being a friendly face at various points along the route and providing much needed supplies. And final thanks to my hubby Glenn for providing bacon butties and champagne at the end. I’ve never had such a laugh, Julie on the phone to Pete telling him Ken was just filling her bladder was just about the end of me. We had an incredibly special day and I could not have shared it with better people. Well I could, they just weren’t available.

Fiona’s Bit
Yesterday was an amazing day watching four runners taking on a challenge into the unknown. With quiet tenacity and lots of blether and laughter, every step taken confidence grew and nobody was going to bail. It was a privilege to be part of this adventure and the final bridge crossing will be something I'll remember with pride. Thank you all for a special day.
Pauline’s Bit
A wee whilst ago Lesley had expressed a desire to celebrate her birthday by running 40 miles so at dawn on Saturday 31st January 2009 Fiona, Sue, Julie, Gillian and myself were at Lesley’s house setting off on an adventure with the pink sunrise at our backs as we headed west.
With military precision Sue had mapped out our route and by using a combination of coast paths, cycle ways, forest trails and footpaths we followed the direction of the classic Two Bridges race (the original road route would have been too dodgy and also a bit boring!)
Within ten minutes of starting we had baffled a chappy conducting a road usage survey, we left him scratching his head as to how to complete his tick boxes with our answers. We made it clear that we were not recreational joggers but athletes on a mission and when asked if we were “working girls” Julie put him right in that we were employed in respectable law-abiding activities.
We followed the tactic of “West Highland Way rules” ie if it goes up we walk plus a five minute walk every half hour which worked extremely well. We also stopped at Sue’s house at Limekilns for a “comfort break” which was wonderfully civilised for ultra running. It was not long before we reached Torryburn and heading into Culross we met Karen Donoghue (one of Lesley’s chums) who ran with us over the Kincardine Bridge and on for a good few miles before heading back to try and find her car which she had abandoned somewhere in Culross. From Kincardine we were running into a stiff headwind so employed the tactic of running in single file taking turns at being the poor sod in front acting as windbreak. We were also met by Ken at various intervals who offered glugs of coffee and drinks top ups. I was a bit suspicious of Lesley who appeared to be drinking cider and wasn’t sharing!
We ticked off the milestones at regular intervals, the first Bridge, halfway, 40K, marathon - Fiona and I were impressed - these girls were now in unknown territory and were making it all look very easy indeed! I particularly enjoyed the coast path section from Bo’ness to Hopetoun House (although we were politely advised that the grounds are closed until Good Friday!) Oops!
It was now dark and with the second Bridge and end in sight we continued to “tootle on” and closing on the 40 mile mark at the end of the Bridge there was a distinct bunching ready for a sprint finish with Lesley nudging ahead with arms raised and a “woooohoooooo” we made it. There were hugs, photos and phone calls to broadcast the news. However we were not quite finished, although we had reached 40 miles our finish line was the Park and Ride (where Ken was parked with the car!) we resumed our happy trot and on a cloud of adrenalin and sense of achievement we floated along to the car and officially declared our mission accomplished.
We headed back to Lesley’s house for bacon butties and bubbly – what a marvellous combination! Lesley presented us all with a party bag which contained a survivor’s tee shirt, a medal and other goodies. Glenn, Pete and Ken put up with our hilarious babbling as we were as hyper as bunch of five year olds on red smarties.
What a brilliant day out, what a buzz and what a way to celebrate your 40th birthday!
Gillian’s bit
I remember when Lesley first mentioned her mad idea a few months ago and I said yes I would love to take part - maybe I would even manage to do 10 miles......
Roll on to 31 January at 8am and I still didn't know if I would manage more than 10 miles!! But, with the help of our inspiration - Lesley, our experts - Fiona and Pauline, our organiser extraordinaire - Sue, my fellow rooky - Julie, Karen, a fresh face! and the very welcome support - Ken, we ALL did it.
It's certainly one of my biggest achievements - ever. Better start training then for those 50th birthdays - how long have we got?!
Sue’s bit
Highlights for me were:- the company which was great, the comfortable pace we covered the distance in, the laughs, correcting the survey man that we were recreational runners not joggers and that yes we were all working girls(!), running over Kincardine bridge for the first time, seeing lots of houses behind Skinflats when I thought there were only 2 farms, being industrial tourists around the central belt(!), Ken appearing to offer support, the lovely running between Bo’ness and Hopetoun, not getting shot by the Hopetoun gamekeeper, running just about our fastest mile as we ran over the Forth Road Bridge in the dark with Lesley forging ahead like she was a woman with a goal in mind(!!!), getting my first ever party bag, and once again the company. I had a ball.
Julie’s bit
My highlights - the cyclist and pedestrian survey - "Are you Working girls?". Lesley saying in Bo'ness that she felt like she was walking like John Wayne and me on closer observation noticed she actually was! Nearly being shot by the gamekeeper and really feeling I should keep quite as he may have licence to shoot the English. Having the best bacon and egg butty ever - thank you so much Glenn. Meeting Karen, good company and a welcome reunion pit stop. Thanks to Fiona and Pauline the most generous and kind spirited people I have ever met. Sue the most determined and organised friend you would want on any expedition. Reliable Ken - my bladder fill and cheesy cheddars another highlight. Gillian and Lesley - I want to thank you for taking me on this journey – love and thanks to you all XXX
Karen’s bit
I had a ball doing a section with you lot and I'll always laugh at how a group of women running together can chat about vibrators, orange squash and superdrug in the same sentence!!! I had no idea some of the other girls weren't mad ultra runners as well from the dark side, they did fantastic too!!
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
Tour of Fife 2009
Day 1 - The Chicken Run, 5 undulating miles
I warm up with Isobel which is good cos she runs much faster than me and by the start I'm raring to go. I start quite far back but soon make up a lot of ground. The first hill isn't too bad and I'm pleased that my pace is consistent with those around me. Downhill section finally comes and I blast along as fast as possible and I'm still surprised to be ahead of Fiona. The path to the chicken farm goes down slightly and I feel like I'm flying here then the turn and the long drag back. Gillian has caught me by now and we run along this part together until she finds another gear and storms off ahead. The hill back up comes but by this time I'm got my second wind and overtake the chap whose noisy breathing was distracting me and try and keep ahead til the end. The final descent comes but it's down the side of a field and I panic and memories of breaking my ankle come flooding back. I slow down drastically allowing a few people by but I don't mind if I get there limbs intact! Day 1 over - 40:23, happy with that and then some
Day 2 Chariots of Fife Beach Race - 4 miles
I remember this race from last year with dread. Running on sand is tough. I warm up today with Julie & Mehrnaz but have to go on ahead and do my own thing as I don't feel ready yet. A quick blast down the sand to the start and I'm ready. I set off at a pace I'm not entirely comfortable but I can see Fiona ahead and I have her in my sights. I pass her early on and hope to keep her behind me. I struggle along the harder sand and die a death in the soft sand. The wind doesn't help and I'm losing a lot of ground. At the turn Fiona sails by followed shortly thereafter by Clive. Where did he come from?? I decide just to try and make it back out of the soft stuff as easily as possible and try and pick it up towards the finish. This turns out to be a good plan and I'm soon making ground on the both of them. I hang onto Clive's shoulder but he sees me and runs away! I keep my pace tho and manage to get past Fiona - just - to finish in 30:20. That's over 7 minutes faster than last year - I can hardly believe it but I later find out that the course was cut short so I'm not that good after all
Day 3 - Up Hell Time Trial - 2.25km/754ft climb
This is not my favourite race. I'm no hill runner - I'm hopeless at them, I'm not looking forward to this. The November-like weather conditions help none. My strategy today is zone out with music and get on with it. I've made myself a wee playlist including some Kasabian, Elbow, Franz Ferdinand and stuff and get everything ready. We do a warm-up but again I don't feel it's enough, especially as it's so flippin cold. On the way back to the car I hear a friendly voice and it's Caniggia/Mike come to 'lend his support' or laugh at the inflicted!! I meet Gillian who's setting off 2 minutes before me and we head down to the start together, jogging lightly and having a good old chinwag. It's a helluva long way down, shit the drive up took long enough. This is one helluva hill
The minutes pass slowly and I'm freezing cold but decide to ditch my tshirt and jacket and just go with my vest and cap. My name is called and I tentatively approach the start, trying to get my MP3 player to work. GO! and the girl who's alongside me takes off like a rocket. I decide that's not for me and bimble slowly up the hill while still trying to work the music. Finally it's sorted and I start to feel the pain. Slowly slowly and actually fairly soon I'm at half-way. Great, 9 minutes or so and it's all over. A steeper section slows me to a walk which I do for about 20 seconds, give myself a talking to, and set off running again. I can't see the damn masts tho because of the fog so I don't know how close to the top I am. I've gained a lot of ground on the other girl who is only a bit ahead now and managed to overtake someone who set off earlier. Music malfunction again and one of the earphones has gone so while the music is going on in one ear, Guy Gurvey's wonderful voice is missing, But I can hear cowbells, it's just like the Tour de France
This picks me up and I can now just about see the masts. I hear my name and try and maintain it up the final hill before getting to the finish in 17:45. I'm chuffed to bits I'm under 18mins.
Day 4 - Run Forrest Run - Tentsmuir Forest, Leuchars 5 miles flat
The mixed weather has turned to glorious sunshine and it's July again. Gillian, Isobel and I warm up round the course and head back to the start which has thankfully been delayed by 15mins due to traffic. Gillian and I set off together today but we're quite far back and spend the first mile running pretty quickly to get to 'our places'. Fiona has started ahead and disappears while Clive has started behind. It's flat but it's hard work. The first lap is hard and at the turn to start the second lap Pete who's watching shouts 'well done Gillian, Lesley and Clive all running together'. Eh?? Where did he come from??? We pick up the pace without even discussing it but we're working so hard Gillian has to slow down and I go on ahead. I look at my watch and we have 1.5 miles to go. Boy it's hard work. It's so hot and with no downhill recoveries the pace is relentless. Gillian catches back up again and by this time we have half a mile to go. We turn the corner to go back and see that Fiona is only just ahead. We pick up the pace again and gain some more ground but just not quite enough. Ah, she's really got me now. I'm delighted to see my watching says sub 40 - it's a PB!!! But the official results say different and I'm down as 40:05. Disappointing but still a PB by 3 seconds
Boy I ache tho.....
Day 5 - Arso Vertitus, Falkland - 3.7 miles hilly
I have mixed feelings with it being the last day. It's been a great tour but I'm absolutely done in. I've spent the evening massaging my quads which seems to have helped but I am feeling pretty sluggish. I've decided today tho that the only way to approach this one is to attack it. It's the last one, give it everything. So the 3 usual suspects set off again on a warmup and we get ready for the start. Gillian and I place ourselves a bit further up the field this time - we're not getting left behind today!! And we're off. I start hard but don't find it easy at all. The undulations are killing me and I'm dreading when we start climbing out of Maspie Den. Gillian's ahead and Fiona's long gone so I just keep plodding on as best as I can. We start climbing and I'm desperate to walk but don't want to be the first. Finally someone else starts a trend and we all start walking up, running on the flatter bits, then walking uphill again. A lot of people are walking pretty slowly so I take advantage and pass them. As I approach the waterfall I see Fiona's not too far ahead and maybe I could catch her on the downhill? I run under the waterfall - well there's a photographer there, wouldn't be right to walk
and walk up the final section. I've managed to pass a few people just walking but when I look behind me I see Clive's on his way to the waterfall. Bugger! The first downhill section is loose stones and again I'm having ankle breaking memories. I try my best here but suddenly there's someone on my shoulder so when we get to the nicer trail bit I go for it. I remember I have to lean forward with my head and off I go. I'm flying down here - I've never run so fast in my life and it's absolutely exhilerating. The person on my shoulder hasn't caught me and I try and keep this pace going. It's fabulous. Even on the wee uphill to the farm I blast it and knowing the finish isn't too far away I keep going as hard as I can. I can see Gillian again, she's only a few seconds ahead. No-one is behind me and I feel so alive in this moment I don't want it to end. Except I do because it's really hurting and the finish is just ahead. I keep my pace and expecting to come in nearer 40 minutes I'm again elated that I've come in at 33:26. I've definitely earned my cake today. My total time for the tour last year was 2:57:51. This year my total was 2:41:59 and the race total was about 2 miles more this time. Happy days indeed
Fiona finishes a few places ahead and Clive a few behind me and out of 173 starters I finish 112th overall. Not bad as I finished 130th on Day 1. I'm so chuffed, I've had a brilliant few days and my confidence has rocketed. When's the next one then
I warm up with Isobel which is good cos she runs much faster than me and by the start I'm raring to go. I start quite far back but soon make up a lot of ground. The first hill isn't too bad and I'm pleased that my pace is consistent with those around me. Downhill section finally comes and I blast along as fast as possible and I'm still surprised to be ahead of Fiona. The path to the chicken farm goes down slightly and I feel like I'm flying here then the turn and the long drag back. Gillian has caught me by now and we run along this part together until she finds another gear and storms off ahead. The hill back up comes but by this time I'm got my second wind and overtake the chap whose noisy breathing was distracting me and try and keep ahead til the end. The final descent comes but it's down the side of a field and I panic and memories of breaking my ankle come flooding back. I slow down drastically allowing a few people by but I don't mind if I get there limbs intact! Day 1 over - 40:23, happy with that and then some

Day 2 Chariots of Fife Beach Race - 4 miles
I remember this race from last year with dread. Running on sand is tough. I warm up today with Julie & Mehrnaz but have to go on ahead and do my own thing as I don't feel ready yet. A quick blast down the sand to the start and I'm ready. I set off at a pace I'm not entirely comfortable but I can see Fiona ahead and I have her in my sights. I pass her early on and hope to keep her behind me. I struggle along the harder sand and die a death in the soft sand. The wind doesn't help and I'm losing a lot of ground. At the turn Fiona sails by followed shortly thereafter by Clive. Where did he come from?? I decide just to try and make it back out of the soft stuff as easily as possible and try and pick it up towards the finish. This turns out to be a good plan and I'm soon making ground on the both of them. I hang onto Clive's shoulder but he sees me and runs away! I keep my pace tho and manage to get past Fiona - just - to finish in 30:20. That's over 7 minutes faster than last year - I can hardly believe it but I later find out that the course was cut short so I'm not that good after all

Day 3 - Up Hell Time Trial - 2.25km/754ft climb
This is not my favourite race. I'm no hill runner - I'm hopeless at them, I'm not looking forward to this. The November-like weather conditions help none. My strategy today is zone out with music and get on with it. I've made myself a wee playlist including some Kasabian, Elbow, Franz Ferdinand and stuff and get everything ready. We do a warm-up but again I don't feel it's enough, especially as it's so flippin cold. On the way back to the car I hear a friendly voice and it's Caniggia/Mike come to 'lend his support' or laugh at the inflicted!! I meet Gillian who's setting off 2 minutes before me and we head down to the start together, jogging lightly and having a good old chinwag. It's a helluva long way down, shit the drive up took long enough. This is one helluva hill

Day 4 - Run Forrest Run - Tentsmuir Forest, Leuchars 5 miles flat
The mixed weather has turned to glorious sunshine and it's July again. Gillian, Isobel and I warm up round the course and head back to the start which has thankfully been delayed by 15mins due to traffic. Gillian and I set off together today but we're quite far back and spend the first mile running pretty quickly to get to 'our places'. Fiona has started ahead and disappears while Clive has started behind. It's flat but it's hard work. The first lap is hard and at the turn to start the second lap Pete who's watching shouts 'well done Gillian, Lesley and Clive all running together'. Eh?? Where did he come from??? We pick up the pace without even discussing it but we're working so hard Gillian has to slow down and I go on ahead. I look at my watch and we have 1.5 miles to go. Boy it's hard work. It's so hot and with no downhill recoveries the pace is relentless. Gillian catches back up again and by this time we have half a mile to go. We turn the corner to go back and see that Fiona is only just ahead. We pick up the pace again and gain some more ground but just not quite enough. Ah, she's really got me now. I'm delighted to see my watching says sub 40 - it's a PB!!! But the official results say different and I'm down as 40:05. Disappointing but still a PB by 3 seconds

Day 5 - Arso Vertitus, Falkland - 3.7 miles hilly
I have mixed feelings with it being the last day. It's been a great tour but I'm absolutely done in. I've spent the evening massaging my quads which seems to have helped but I am feeling pretty sluggish. I've decided today tho that the only way to approach this one is to attack it. It's the last one, give it everything. So the 3 usual suspects set off again on a warmup and we get ready for the start. Gillian and I place ourselves a bit further up the field this time - we're not getting left behind today!! And we're off. I start hard but don't find it easy at all. The undulations are killing me and I'm dreading when we start climbing out of Maspie Den. Gillian's ahead and Fiona's long gone so I just keep plodding on as best as I can. We start climbing and I'm desperate to walk but don't want to be the first. Finally someone else starts a trend and we all start walking up, running on the flatter bits, then walking uphill again. A lot of people are walking pretty slowly so I take advantage and pass them. As I approach the waterfall I see Fiona's not too far ahead and maybe I could catch her on the downhill? I run under the waterfall - well there's a photographer there, wouldn't be right to walk

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